The Best Vegan Dog Food Brands and Homemade Recipes | The Green Loot

The Best Vegan Dog Food Brands and Homemade Recipes

So, you have decided to feed your furry babies a vegan/plant-based diet. Good for you (and your cute doggo)! Luckily, dogs are not obligate carnivores, so they can thrive on a plant based diet (it’s even better for them).

To help you out a bit, in this article, I have collected a few information you should know beforehand: giving your best friend something they shouldn’t eat, the best vegan dog food brands and homemade treat recipes. (There is nothing better than homemade, after all.)

Let’s get into it!


Vegan Dog Food Brands and Homemade Recipes

Read about the best vegan dog food brands and homemade recipes to give and make for your furry best friend. If done properly, dogs thrive on a plant-based diet, after all! | The Green Loot #vegan #dogfood


Before giving your dog any food they haven’t had before, consult your veterinarian about it first!


What should you feed your dog?

There are a few basic things, your dog’s food should contain to maintain proper health.
These include: amino acids from proteins, fatty acids and carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.
You can give your doggo whole grains, vegetables, certain fruits, raw unsweetened oil-free peanut butter (small amounts) and herbs/spices for flavor.
  • Normal adult dogs should get at least 10% of their total calories from protein. (1)
  • Complex carbohydrates such as grains are more digestible when they are cooked. (2)

What shouldn’t you feed your dog?

  • Alcohol
  • Avocado
  • Chocolate, Coffee and Caffeine
  • Citrus
  • Coconut and Coconut Oil
  • Grapes and Raisins
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Milk and Dairy, Eggs
  • Certain Nuts
  • Onions, Garlic, Chives
  • Raw/Undercooked Meat, Eggs and Bones
  • Salt and Salty Snack Foods
  • Xylitol
  • Yeast Dough

Vegan Dog Food Brands

1. V-DogVegan Dog Food Brands and Recipes | The Green Loot #vegan #dogfood

V-Dog is a fully vegan dog food company, created by family business based in California, run by animal lovers. They don’t use corn, soy, wheat, fillers or any animal products in their dog food.

V-Dog is probably the most popular vegan dog food brand out there.

Their  products:

2. HaloVegan Dog Food Brands and Recipes | The Green Loot #vegan #dogfood

Halo offers a few different type of dog food products and they have 2 popular vegan varieties as well.

Their vegan products:

These products don’t have rice in them. They contain completely plant-based protein from lower glycemic peas and chickpeas, non-GMO vegetables and fruits, no artificial colors or flavors and no preservatives of any kind. They come in BPA free cans.



Vegan Dog Treat Recipes

If you already have you doggie’s main food sorted out, but you would like to surprise them with some healthy treats, here you will find a few great recipes.

1. Sweet Potato & Spinach Bites by Vegannie

Vegan Sweet Potato & Spinach Bites | The Green Loot #vegan #dogfood


2. Sweet Pea Spinach Oatmeal Bites by Vegannie

Vegan Sweet Pea Spinach Oatmeal Bites | The Green Loot #vegan #dogfood


3. Mashed Potato Bites by Vegannie

Vegan Mashed Potato Bites | The Green Loot #vegan #dogfood


4. 3-Ingredient Dog Treats by The Plant Philosophy

Vegan 3-Ingredient Dog Treats | The Green Loot #vegan #dogfood


5. Frozen Spinach Cantaloupe Treat by Doggy Dessert Chef

Vegan Frozen Spinach Cantaloupe Treat | The Green Loot #vegan #dogfood


6. Sweet Potato Apple Bites by Doggy Dessert Chef

Vegan Mashed Potato Bites | The Green Loot #vegan #dogfood


What are your favorite vegan dog food brands and homemade recipes? Share with us in the comments!

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