The High Protein Vegan | The Green Loot


✱ high-protein vegan recipes (for weight loss)
✱ 21-day meal plan (1500 calories/day)
✱ weekly shopping lists
BONUS: weight loss/healthy eating guide + printables!

BUY NOW for $5
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✱ high-protein vegan recipes (for weight loss)
✱ 21-day meal plan (1500 calories/day)
✱ weekly shopping lists
BONUS: healthy eating guide + lots of printables!

BUY NOW for $18

Does this sound familiar?

You WANT TO start eating healthy and/or lose weight, BUT…

You don’t know what to eat exactly and you need guidance.
You don’t have the time/energy to calculate calories/micronutrients and search for recipes.
You have tried other diets but gave up due to lack of results.
While trying to eat healthy, you are struggling with portion sizes/hunger and not binging.
You know how to lose weight, but you’re struggling to keep it off in the long term.

Luckily, there is a solution to all of those problems. I have created The High-Protein Vegan to help people with sustainable, long-term weight loss and developing healthy eating habits that last a lifetime. All this while eating highly nutritious and flavorful meals that won’t leave you hungry.

super flavorful & filling recipes

The cookbook contains 39 healthy and filling recipes that are bursting with flavor! Each recipe includes the number of protein, carbs, fat, fiber and sugar in them.

meal plan, macros & shopping lists

Trying to cook healthy meals and calculating calories while taking care of other things in your life can be exhausting.

Luckily in this meal plan, I have calculated EVERYTHING for you. There are 3 meals everyday, a long list of healthy snack ideas, and a shopping list for every week.

bonus: healthy eating guide & printables

In this section you will learn about: nutrient needs, calorie density, calorie counting, healthy food swaps, intermittent fasting, the relationship between ultra-processed foods and chronic diseases and much more.

Get these amazing bonus freebies to help your progress and track your progress!

Hi! I’m Mira.

I’m a long-time vegan (9 years!), healthy living enthusiast, vegan cooking school graduate and the author behind The High-Protein Vegan.

You might already know me as the creator of The Green Loot, a vegan healthy living and weight loss blog that has been helping people to learn about the plant-based lifestyle since 2016.

In the last year, over 1.000.000 people visited the blog to find delicious and nourishing vegan recipes and healthy living guides.

I have struggled with unhealthy eating habits and weight loss for a really long time, until I discovered the plant-based diet.

I have created The High-Protein Vegan to give people the same blueprint that has helped me achieving good health and my ideal weight.

Frequently Asked Questions

The meal plan is calculated for 1 person. The recipes make either 1 or 2 servings. In case of the recipes with 2 servings, the second serving is used as leftovers for the next day. If you are doing the meal plan with more people, you can simply scale up the recipes.

Absolutely! This e-book is perfect for anyone that wants to simply learn about healthy eating or wants a balanced meal plan with delicious recipes! The meal plan is calculated to be around 1500 calories/day (or about 500 calories per meal). There are healthy snack ideas included as well, so everyone can eat according to their daily needs.

Most of the recipes in the e-book are naturally gluten-free, and the few ones that aren’t, have instructions/suggestions for substitutions.

Absolutely! In fact, I encourage you to! (Although, I call them “treat meals” as I think that is a healthier approach.) Even though specific “cheat meals” are not included in the meal plan, you can just have them whenever it fits in your lifestyle and schedule.

The rate of weight loss depends on several factors and differs for every person. Your age, sex, lifestyle, activity levels, hormone levels all have an effect on your ability to metabolize food and burn fat.

With that said, including the excess water-weight loss in the first few days, you can expect to lose somewhere between 4-8 pounds (if you complete all 3 weeks of the meal plan).

When starting a diet, you lose a lot of water weight and that can give you a false standard, but in the long-term, you should aim for a weight loss of 1 pound per week or slightly less (until you reach your desired weight).

The most important thing to remember is that the purpose of this e-book is to encourage you to make healthy, long-term lifestyle changes that will naturally result in losing excess fat.
That means that even if you don’t lose as much weight as you wanted to during the meal plan, if you continue eating a nutrient-rich plant-based diet, you will arrive at your optimal (healthy) weight sooner or later.

Regular exercise (for example walking or yoga) can speed up your weight loss and is super important for overall health, but don’t forget that more physical activity means a higher calorie- and higher protein need, so you will have to adjust your diet accordingly.

“Abs are made in the kitchen” as the saying goes. Most of your weight loss will be achieved by eating healthy as you can’t outrun a bad diet. By doing this meal plan, you will absolutely lose weight even if you just “sit at your computer all day”, since you will be at a calorie deficit.

HOWEVER. I highly recommend exercising regularly for 2 reasons.

Reason number 1: The human body has evolved to be active. Our ancestors used to walk long hours everyday hunting game and gathering fruits and nuts.

It’s obviously not realistic for an average person in the modern age to replicate that exactly, but your biology still craves physical activity.

To achieve a healthy body AND mind, you need to move your body in one way or another (regular exercise GREATLY improves mental health too). Luckily this can mean as little as going for a swim a few times a week, a 30-minute walk in the afternoon everyday, or a light yoga session 3-4 times a week.

If you have any disabilities that impact your muscle coordination and movement, you can still find a way to do a physical activity that works for you. For example, for people who are not able to walk, swimming and adaptive yoga can be a wonderful way to exercise!

Reason number 2: Exercising regularly also helps you build muscle, that in turn will help you burn more calories by simply just sitting around your house (to maintain your muscle cells, your body burns more calories, than to maintain your fat cells… isn’t that great? ☺).

In the e-book I’m advocating for walking and light/moderate yoga as the main forms of exercise. The reason for this is because both walking and yoga can be done basically anywhere for FREE, they don’t require special equipment and can be adjusted to work for people with disabilities.

To summarize: you don’t have to exercise to lose weight, but it’s recommended for your overall health.

I have included a few very popular ones, but about 95% of the recipes in the e-book are EXCLUSIVE, specifically created for weight loss and you won’t find them anywhere else.

Given the digital nature of this product, refunds are unfortunately not possible. If you would like to try the e-book first before purchasing, CLICK HERE to download a FREE 5-day demo version.

I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. You can contact me at hello (at) I usually reply within 24 hours!