There are a few must have kitchen appliances and gadgets for vegans that are truly essential.

These equipments and tools help you in your healthy eating endeavors and make cooking a fulfilling experience (instead of crying in the corner because vegan cheese is too hard to make).

In this article I have collected all the kitchen gadgets and appliances that you will need for the perfect vegan kitchen.

Happy vegan blending, processing, spiralizing and shredding!


Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans

Looking for must-have kitchen appliances and gadgets for vegans? This list contains all equipment and items you'll need for cooking and healthy eating. These essential kitchen gadgets will make your vegan life so much easier! | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen


1. BlenderBlender - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

A lot of people will agree, that a blender (and a food processor) is the most useful and essential kitchen appliance you will ever have as a vegan.

You can make all those delicious smoothies and cream soups with the help of it. You really just have to throw everything in it, press a button and your tasty, liquid meal is ready to devour.

It comes especially handy when you are dieting, or don’t really like eating big salads and fruits (I know, chewing gets super boring).

  • Best value for your money:

NutriBullet 12-Piece High-Speed Blender/Mixer

  • Recipes to make with it:

Fat Burning Green Smoothie

Oat Banana Pancakes


2. Food ProcessorFood Processor - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

When it comes to processing harder ingredients in a bigger amount, a quality food processor is needed.

Peanut butter at home? Chickpea falafels for the whole family? This baby has got you covered.

This appliance usually comes with handy stuff like chopping/mixing blade for nuts, garlic, onions, peppers, celery, herbs and bread. You can mince/puree vegetables and fruits, mix salad dressings, puree soups or sauces, and to grate vegan cheese.

Use the slicing disc to slice cucumbers, apples, mushrooms, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes,  peppers and radishes. Use the shredding disc to shred cabbage, potatoes and carrots.

Super convenient, if you ask me. I know I hate when my kitchen gets crazy cluttered with a thousand gadgets I only use once a month.

  • Best value for your money:

Hamilton Beach Food Processor

  • Recipes to make with it:

Chickpea Bean Falafel

Strawberry Cheesecake


3. SpiralizerSpiralizer - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

Have you seen one of those drool-worthy zucchini noodles (or zoodles) spaghetti recipe and wondering how they got to slice it so thin and perfect?

It isn’t magic.

It was made with a spiralizer. But beautiful raw veggie salads aren’t all you can make with it. Curly fries, anyone?

  • Best value for your money:

Spiralizer 5-Blade Vegetable Slicer

  • Recipes to make with it:

Zucchini Noodles with Avocado Pesto

Baked Curly Fries


4. Instant Pot 7in1Instant Pot 7in1 - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

What if I told you , you can replace 7 kitchen appliances for 1? Sounds amazing, right?

Well, the Instant Pot DUO variety can make it happen. I know, I’m in love with mine.

Here’s what you can use it for: Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker, Rice Cooker, Steamer, Sauté and Yogurt Maker.

Perfect if you have a small kitchen or you are looking for the best cooking solution, that will make your life 72648 times easier.

A pressure cooker can save you from starving when you get home exhausted and just want some warm dinner. The slow cooker’s “programmable digital control lets you program cook times from 30 minutes up to 20 hours.

So, you can just set it in the morning, and by the time you get home, it’s steaming hot and ready for you to eat right away.

The other functions speak for themselves.

  • Best value for your money:

Instant Pot DUO 7-in-1 Multi-Use Cooker

  • Recipes to make with it:

Quinoa Burrito Bowls

Potato Curry


5. Plant Milk BagPlant Milk Bag - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

Not consuming dairy doesn’t mean you should put water in your coffee.

You can either buy plant milks in any grocery store or make your own! It’s even cheaper like that, and you know excatly what the ingredients are.

Make it sweeter with a little vanilla or dates.

  • Best value for your money:

Organic Family Products Organic Cotton Nut Milk Bag

  • Recipes to make with it:

Hazelnut Milk

Vanilla Almond Milk


6. Stainless Steel Knife SetStainless Steel Knife Set - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

If you do anything in the kitchen, you HAVE to have a quality stainless steel knife set.

It makes your job much easier, not to mention, your veggie slices will be much prettier if you are using a proper sharp knife.

Also, you can make cute strawberry roses! ; )

  • Best value for your money:

Cuisinart 15-Piece Stainless Steel Set


7. Lunch BoxLunch Box - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

Taking your lunch to work is a part of almost any adult. It’s especially useful, when you are vegan and don’t have any veggie options to order from nearby food places.

It can be a burden, especially if you want to make healthy food.

Also, it’s the absolute worst when your tasty potato soup spills in your cute, brand new bag because of a lame, plastic container.

That’s why it’s important to have lunch boxes (or bento), that are sturdy and leakproof. ( It doesn’t hurt if they are pretty. ;-))

  • Best value for your money:

 Unichart Stainless Steel Lunch Box

  • Recipes to make with it:

Curried Chickpea Bowls

Peanut Butter Fruit Snack Box


8. JarsJars - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

Jars are great not only to keep jams and preserves in, but to take drinks and food with you. Smoothies, oatmeal, soups and salads. You can seal them, so you don’t have to worry about leaking. I use them instead of glasses, too!

  • Best value for your money:

Ball Pint Jar

  • Recipes to make with it:

Mason Jar Ramen


9. Stainless Steel StrawsStainless Steel Straws - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

If you drink smoothies on a daily basis, you should be aware, that it’s recommended to drink them with a straw.

That way you can protect your teeth from dental erosion. It’s nothing to be worried about of course, but why not minimize the damage, right?

To protect the environment, you can avoid plastic straws and instead choose stainless steel ones.

  • Best value for your money:

YIHONG Stainless Steel Straws



10. Kitchen ScaleKitchen Scale - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

If you are just making a salad, rice or something easy, you might not always need a scale.

But when it comes to more difficult, precise recipes it is rather essential.

Especially during bakeing, when every milligram counts.

  • Best value for your money:

Etekcity Digital Kitchen Scale



11. Air fryerAir Fryer - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

Whether you eat an oil-free/fat-free diet or not, you must agree that too much oil is very bad for the body. But, crispy potatoes are just so yummy!

Luckily an air fryer can make the world’s crispiest potatoes (and a lot of other things) without the horrendous amount of oil.

  • Best value for your money:

GoWISE USA 5.8-Quarts 8-in-1 Electric Air Fryer

  • Recipes to make with it:

Popcorn Tofu

Buffalo Cauliflower


12. Veggie SteamerVeggie Steamer - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

My absolute favorite side dish ever is just a humble bowl of steamed veggies ( with balsamic drizzle, yumm!). YOu don’t lose any nutrition by boiling broccolis and green beans, and yet they are silky soft ( I only like crunchiness in raw vegetables).

It is rather tricky to steam veggies without proper tool, so save yourself the pain and get one of these!

  • Best value for your money:

Kitchen Deluxe Vegetable Steamer Basket

  • Recipes to make with it:

Steamed Veggies with Coconut Sauce


13. Salad Cutter BowlSalad Cutter Bowl - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

I’ll be honest with you. I would eat a lot more salad, if it wan’t such a pain to cut the veggies. I mean, it takes such a long time, and half of it ends up on the floor (is it just me)? But, hey.

They invented the salad cutter bowl tho, so one less problem for this healthy vegan!

  • Best value for your money:

WEBSUN Salad Cutter Bowl

  • Recipes to make with it:

Greek Chopped Salad

Roasted Chickpea Salad


14. Fruit Infuser Water BottleFruit Infuser Water Bottle - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

A fantastic way to upgrade your water, with not only flavors, but nutrients as well!

If you are trying to leave your soda habbit behind, it’s a perfect way to make a fun, more exciting drink.

  • Best value for your money:

MAMI WATA Fruit Infuser Water Bottle

  • Recipes to make with it:

Infused Water Ideas



15. 3in1 Avocado Slicer3in1 Avocado Slicer - Must-Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans | The Green Loot #vegan #kitchen

Cut, pit and slice avocado in 3 easy steps with  this super useful tool.

  • Best value for your money:

OXO 3-in-1 Avocado Slicer

  • Recipes to make with it:

Avocado Toast



What other kitchen tools have you found essential or super useful in vegan cooking? Share them with us, so we can upgrade our kitchen! 🙂

vegan kitchen equipment and appliances

15 Must Have Kitchen Appliances and Gadgets for Vegans

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Author Mira M.
Looking for must-have kitchen appliances and gadgets for vegans? This list contains all equipment and items you'll need for cooking and healthy eating. These essential kitchen gadgets will make your vegan life so much easier!
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